video installation
Site-specific artwork in residency India.
Installation View:
video installation
Installation view in exhibition at Bilbao.
Baa─ Hi!!
Baa─ How are you?
Baa Baa Baa─ The weather is so hot.
Video Installation series BA are based on my residency experience in Pune, India. When I live here, the traffic noise impressed me the most, which shows the energy but still peaceful personality of indian people, so I create this video installation and shoot it beside the street.
Another thing is after shooting this video, I was arrested by indian police and put me into jail for almost 4-5 hours...
After my performance, I found they were watching me and waiting for me to finish. I was just doing a combination of movements - some slow yoga poses, some pugilism, running, some tai chi - but no obvious poses just experiments with movements - testing our different ways of controlling the body and reaction.
It's really hard to know why I was arrested, I was doing nothing wrong but just making my art and working on my film. I think my arrest has less to do with me and more to do with the political situation and general attitude towards women.
Freedom of expression is so important, and the foundation of a happy democracy. For artists, the freedom to express is of course essential, and it is scary to think that here it can be taken away so easily. We were kept in the police station for 4 hours just for one dance sequence on the street. Nothing profane was said or done, so what was achieved? It's a real shame.
Jhouyu, after the jail, 2017.