論語 The Analects of Confucius
書、行為 Book and Performance
Dimensions Variable
Jhouyu HSIEH
The most fascist thing in the world.
Structure of language is the most fascist thing in the world. Thrust into the depths of people’s mind and soul without interval when human being born yet. It’s difficult to find anything else that far-reaching influence, transparent but dense. What people need to learn discipline at the first time after we came to this world is language. Language is kind of tool that we can talk and do something to this world, how to pronounce the word exactly right, how to express my opinion. People use language to convince, people use language to act. Language is too complex that revolves around our whole life. People will not reject language’s recognize being in our life, break away from Ideology that was domesticated unless people need no more conversation and dialectical thinking. Language not only meet the needs of conversation and identification but also meet the satisfying of constructing knowledge and power. When language try to catch the world, the meaning inside should be multiplication and complex because world itself is too compound and dull.
Through this art work, I what to probe something that hard to describe, thinking with soul that was dominated in our perceptual experience.
Subject of language become subject that being dominated and imagination between oriental tradition, light incense (點香), and sìshū wǔjīng (四書五經) with meaning of recognition system. The original real-self retires unconscious before language. Through human being’s acting of ruining words in the book with lighting incense, it become the most basic sample thing of our energy of body expression and recognition to subject of the syschoanalysis. Through critic thinking of cognitive subject and object perception, return to original self with primitive life experience. In Buddhist viewpoint, Presentational language, words, name, extrinsic looking and body just attached subject at once, only when reject to outside everything people can achieve heart-clear, have eternal spiritual self. Reflections on my common language, Chinese, in the world that dominated by language and words, in my own living environment as a human being, the original concept imagination of cognition and significance.
論語新說 The New Analects of Confucius
行為表演、實驗錄像 Performance, Experimental Video
尺寸依展場而定Dimensions Variable
謝騆瑜HSIEH Jhouyu
This artwork is from Jhouyu’s long-term performance in 2015, The Analects of Confucius, After nine years, by altering the parameters in the generation formula, Jhouyu created a new extended work The New Analects of Confucius. Based on the performance of The Analects of Confucius, she combined the experimental video generated in real time by the language program of the generation formula and the sounds of Buddhist chimes, create a pure and original sensory world in a circular fashion.